Annual Server Maintenance

Please kindly be informed that we will be under planned Server maintenance upgrade and Server Migration for the following time.Server Migration:25 November  (Wed) 1:00AM ( GMT+1 )Duration 4 - 5HoursServer maintenance Upgrade time :26 November  (Wed) 4:00PM( GMT+1 )Duration 4 - 5HoursServices will not go down of effect during the ... Több... »

25cs Okt 2017
Front Page Maintenance

Our Front page is under maintenance we will soon restore to normal....

4cs Júl 2017
Emergency maintenance on one of our Mail Storage Servers

Maintenance Notice:   Please be advised that one of our mail storage servers will be undergoing an emergency  maintenance as per the schedule and reason mentioned below.   Reason: Battery replacement on the server   Affected Server:   Maintenance Window :   Date: Thursday, 31st March 2016Start time: ... Több... »

31st Márc 2016
Verisign Registry Maintenance Notice | March 24, 2016

A maintenance will be carried out by Verisign as per the schedule mentioned below:   Maintenance Details :   Date : Thursday, March 24, 2016 Start Time : 10:00 PM UTC | 03:30 AM IST (March 25, 2016) End Time : 12:00 AM UTC | 5:30 AM IST  (March 25, 2016) Duration : 2 ... Több... »

24cs Márc 2016
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