FAQs - Moving from Personal Email to Business Email

Q. What is happening on 15th May 2015 ?
This is the day when all our personal mail packages (now migrated to business email) will reach its end of life. On 15th May 2015, the orders which have not been renewed after 15th April 2015, will expire and be in suspended state for 30 days.

Q. What will happen after the expiry ?
Once the order has expired, we will disable its outgoing mail functionality completely for a period of 30 days. However, POP and IMAP will continue to work, so you will be able to receive mails without any issues.

Q. Why is my outgoing mail service disabled ?
We have done this, so that clients who are unaware of the change will take notice.

Q. How do we resume the outgoing service ?
You need to renew the hosting package as per the new billing cycle. Once the package is renewed the outgoing mail service will be restored instantly.

Q. What if I don't want to renew ?
If you do not wish to renew the hosting package, you need to download the mails on your local machine. Once you have the mails locally, you don't need to do anything further. The expired package will automatically get deleted after 30 days

Q. How do I delete unwanted email accounts ?
NOTE: You will not be able to do this after 15th May 2015, since the account will be in suspended state.
You need to renew the email service and then follow the below steps:
First, you need to delete the unwanted email accounts from the email dashboard.
After you have deleted the email accounts from the dashboard, to delete the email accounts permanently and reduce the used email accounts number, you need to follow the steps mentioned below :
- Log into your control panel
- Click on Products-->List all orders-->Click on the domain name.
- Scroll down to business emails --> Click on Delete Email Account(s)
Doing this you will be able to delete the email accounts permanently.

Once you have deleted the unwanted email accounts, please contact our Sales team for pro-rata refunds.

Q. How to switch to Free email service ?
There is no direct option of switching from business email to free email service. You will need to do the following:
First, take a complete back up of all the email accounts before deleting the email ids. 
You can configure the same on Outlook or any email clients using the pop settings and download all the emails to your local computer.
Once the contents are downloaded you will have to refer to the steps mentioned below :
- Log into the reseller control panel
- Click on Products-->List all orders-->Click on the domain name.
- Scroll down to business emails --> Click on Delete Order
One this is done you will have to click on Manage Emails under Emails option and create your free email accounts.

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